Dark mode
19 items with this tag.
Can Transformers Act on Information Beyond an Effective Layer Horizon?
Mechanistically Eliciting Latent Behaviors in Language Models
The Shard Theory of Human Values
Human Values & Biases Are Inaccessible to the Genome
Insights From Modern Principles of Economics
Generalizing POWER to Multi-Agent Games
Math That Clicks: Look for Two-Way Correspondences
Insights From Euclid’s “Elements”
A Kernel of Truth: Insights From “A Friendly Approach to Functional Analysis”
ODE to Joy: Insights From “A First Course in Ordinary Differential Equations”
Attainable Utility Landscape: How The World Is Changed
Judgment Day: Insights From “Judgment in Managerial Decision Making”
Can Fear of the Dark Bias Us More Generally?
The Gears of Impact
World State Is the Wrong Abstraction for Impact
Attainable Utility Theory: Why Things Matter
Deducing Impact
Value Impact
Into the Kiln: Insights From Tao’s “Analysis I”